CMAs/EMPLOYERs- The expiration date may not display on the search results screen due to a system issue. The issue should be fixed by Tuesday,
October 20, 2022.-----------------------CMA INSTRUCTORS: After registration to become CMA Instructor, please check your email for an OKTA registration link to set-up your password and two part verification. The OKTA link will only be good for 7 days. The email will come from --------------------------Active Instructors Only: Attention: As of 08/01/2022, CMA Instructors will no longer be able to access our web portal site via ( If you need assistance with the new OKTA account login for CMA Instructors, please email the service desk at Thank you
Search for a Certified Medication Aide

The information you access will validate the certification of active or inactive certified medication aides on the Georgia Medication Aide Registry. You may search the certification status by entering one or more of the following criteria and selecting the Search button.
Last Name : First Name : Middle Initial :
Certification Number : Status :
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