File Download Help

Reasons for failed downloads
There are 2 likely reasons that attempts to download files might not work.
  1. There is a Pop-Up blocker preventing the download window from opening.
  2. The default settings for Internet Explorer 6 are preventing file downloads.
Both issues are discussed below.
Pop-Up Blocker is preventing download
The browser's Pop-Up blocker may be preventing the download from opening a new window for the files. This will likely show errors similar to the following:


To fix this issue, you will need to disable your Pop-Up Blocker. Here's an example of disabling the Pop-Up blocker in Internet Explorer:
  1. Right-click on the popup warning and select, "Always Allow Pop-ups from This Site..."
  2. Answer "Yes" when asked if you'd like to allow pop-ups from the site.
  3. Refresh the page by using the refresh button in your browser.
  4. Answer, "Retry" when warned that the page cannot be refreshed without resending the information.
Internet Explorer 6 Default Settings Prevent File Downloads.
The default settings for Internet Explorer 6 prevent files from being downloaded automatically in a page. This problem usually presents itself as a window showing up and disappearing so quickly that it cannot be read and possibly hearing a "beep" sound.
To fix this issue, you will need to enable file download prompts by following these steps:
  1. Bring up your security settings. It can be found under the Tools menu. Select Tools, then Internet Options, and then select the Security tab.
  2. With the Internet selected under "Select a Web content zone to speify its security settings.", press the "Custom Level" button.
  3. Scroll down the list until you find the setting named, "Downloads" and then under "Automatic prompting for downloads", select "Enable".
  4. Press the OK button and answer "Yes" when asked "Are you sure you want to change the security setting for this zone?".